Sunday 15 April 2012

Introduction to FMP

Hey my name's Loz Bradley and the purpose of this blog is to follow what's going on with my final major project (FMP) at Newcastle College.
So first of all I'll explain what the FMP is, our task was to create an EP with 5 other students in our class, each track on the EP has to be produced by a different individual within our group whilst the others take an active role in the studio for each others songs. We then have to release this EP whilst hosting a launch event for it in which we showcase our tracks.
Our group came together orginially because of electronic music, the two other groups within our class were focusing on metal music and also rock music. Considering the majority of members of our group regularily produce some form of electronic music it seemed like a simple decision and also a theme for our group, we were all going to produce a different form of electronic dance music, however when we discussed this as a group with our tutors at college they told us this theme was too vague, so after some discusssion we finally decided that our theme would be on space.
Straight away I knew what genre of music I wanted to be doing and that was house, well more specifically deep house. The reason for this is because recently I have been listening to more and more house and prior to this assignment I had already worked on a couple of house tracks recently. I then had to decide how I was going to construct my track, again these was an easy decision as for all of my tracks I had done in the past I had used Reason.
The more difficult part of the planning was deciding what parts of my track I was going to record live as there had to be a mix of instruments recorded using microphone and DI. I decided even before starting work on my track what I was going to record as I needed to book the sessions in, I decided I was going to record percussion, piano, vocals and either the Gaia synth or sampler. I had booked my sessions a few weeks later so to give me enough time to actually create my track before the recording process even begins.
I will be posting more about this FMP in the future to keep you update on the recording process, details on the launch event and how everything is going.

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