Sunday 15 April 2012

1st Week of Recording

So my track has now been created, I posted a rough sample of what my track will sound like to my Soundcloud ( Im using the theme of Space to inspire my music by relating my music to the calm void of space, however I still think my track needs more of a connection to space through some form of lyrics or sounds. But anyway onto my first week of recording where I decided that I will tackle the percussion of my track; recording the kick drum, cowbell and handclaps withinn my track which all seemed simple enough. Not a great start as the cowbell has been forgotten to be brought in but despite this I decided to crack on with the recording. It took us about an hour and a half to get a half decent sounding kick drum coming through after using a range of different microphones and microphone positioning, we then used the rest of the time to actually get the kick drum rhythms recorded. So my first session in the studio did not go to plan well at all, I decided because of this I will push my other recording sessions back a week and finish of the percussion in my second week within the studio.

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