Wednesday 13 June 2012

Fallen behind on the blog so here's a pre-gig update.

After the problem mentioned in the last post, I got in touch with the lady now running The Vic in order to assure we had the venue, and fortunately we can still have the event on the night we planned.

We have also finished the mixing and master part of the EP, and I think we now have a very nice sounding EP that fits in well together.

For the actual launch event we have decided on how we will be performing the tracks from the EP, me and Joe will be doing DJ sets starting with our tracks from the EP whereas Nicola, Rhys and Liam will all be performing there tracks.

Because I am doing a DJ set we have not planned any proper rehearsal time as I can prepare my set easily by myself in my own time, we just need to carefully plan out set times and also the order on the night.

We have also changed the CD cover to one of my designs but we've kept the name Messages From Andromeda, you can see the new design as well as the back cover and CD design below. 

We have now ordered all the merchandise as well as the CDs, and hopefully they should all come in time for the gig.

So now it's just time for our Gig, Wednesday 6th June at The Victoria Stoke, hope to see you there!

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