Thursday 3 May 2012

A lot of stuff to talk about

      It's been a while since I've done a post and since my last one a lot has happened. I've had another couple of sessions recording in the studio, in which I have recorded the piano and synth parts of my track. I've just got one more session to go in there recording vocals and then the recording process is over.

     So now it's time to talk more in depth about our launch event. Originally we wanted to host the event at The Rigger pub in Newcastle, Liam attempted to contact them however we got no reply, I run a night at The Victoria Pub in Stoke so I know the owner quite well because I of this I was able to sort out a night of our choice, the date we chose was Wednesday the 6th of June with the hours still undecided, we had to do it midweek as they always have a night on weekend nights but fortuntely this date is in the half term. We will be selling tickets for this event for £4 as well as selling merchandise (mentioned further below).

    During our launch event we plan to do live performances of each of our tracks, as well as DJ sets from me, Harry and Joe. We are still uncertain on how we will do the performances though so I will do an update on this further into the future.

      For our EP we have decided to use 'Messages From Andromeda' as the name, this was thought up by Rhys as he also designed an image for it, I had come up with the name 'Astronomusic' and also created a couple of quick EP cover designs. These images can be seen below.

    Now onto merchandising, we are ordering a small amount of mechandise which will have the name of our EP as well as some creative designs on. Obviously as well as this we will be selling our EP (after all that's what it's all about) the prices we will be selling merchandise is specified below

Keyrings: £1
Wristbands: £1
Stickers: 50p
EPs: £4

     All of our profits made from the event, merchandising and EP sales will be going to the charities British Heart Foundation and Diabetes UK.

     Finally onto promotions,  first of all Rhys has designed a flyer (image below), to start off with we will be printing 20 of these onto A4, and then putting these up as posters in areas such as Newcastle College and local Music Shops to gain interest for our launch event. Other methods we have decided upon creating a tongue in cheek promotional video for our event including a clip from Shawshank Redemption and a Morgan Freeman voice over impersonation performed by our very own Liam Munday. We have also created a facebook event to advertise our event on social media sites ( I believe this will be our best chance at getting people to come to our event and it's free which is a plus.

    So I think I've covered everything I can remember although I'm sure I've missed something out. I will try and do more frequent updates to keep you all informed.

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